Our Services
Supporting new parents with trusted care solutions.
Premium 24/7 Care
• Exclusive Offering: 24/7 in-home care and comprehensive support.
• Specialized Care with specialized sleep plan for children ages 0-6 months only.
Overnight Care
• Night support: 10+ hour shifts of dedicated in-home care.
• Expert Care
• Personalized Sleep Plan for Children (Ages 0-6 months).
Travel Care
Seamless Travel Support: Offering specialized care to ensure your baby’s needs are met while you’re on the move. This includes managing sleep routines, adapting to new environments, and providing consistent comfort and security, so your family can enjoy a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.
Post-Op Tongue Tie Support
• Health Check: Monitoring baby's healing progress
• Parental Guidance: Ensuring parents are correctly performing the recommended stretches for optimal recovery.
• Recommended 4-6 weeks
Multiples Care
Exclusive Offering: Comprehensive in-home care and support tailored for multiples.
Specialized Care: Designed specifically for twins and triplets, ages 0-6 months.
Date Night Babysitting
Enjoy a worry-free evening out while we take care of your little bundle of joy! I’m here to ensure your baby is safe, happy, and cozy, giving you the peace of mind to relax and have fun. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a movie night, or just some well-deserved 'me time,' I've got your back.
Day time Care
• Day Time Care: 8+ hour shifts of dedicated in-home care.
• Expert Care
• Developmental Activities and Routine Management for Children (Ages 0-12 months).
Newborn Care Consulting
Meet and Greet with Family Needs Assessment:
A session designed to introduce parents and caregivers to the world of newborn care. This consultation lasts 1.5 hours and covers baby basics such as diapering, bathing, feeding, sleep conditioning, crying and soothing, and more.
Contact me today and let's set up your consultation!